Mondays don't come often enough! I love getting to hear from you
all and hear that you're doing okay. They also never give me enough
time to give really good replies or to send you all the news about
what's going on out here. I think we need to talk to President Monson
about this ;).
Well this week has really tested my patience. Our house has
decided to have a mind of it's own because our lights turn on and off
when ever they feel like it. We'll be in the kitchen making dinner and
the lights will turn off, so we have to wiggle the light switch a couple
times before the light will come back on. We've tried changing the
light bulb and everything, but that didn't help. Then last night the
light kept coming back on even though the switch was down... weird. Also
my companion and I have been having an interesting(?) time with each
other. We are definitely Not best friends. And we both know that.
Sometimes she will be very short with me and I have to grit my teeth and
take it. And sometimes I even get that way with her too. I still have
about 6 or 7 weeks left until I'll be done with training, and then I
will most likely receive a new companion. So hopefully we figure out our
differences by then or that we can just hold out and keep our peace
with each other until one of us gets transferred. We do have some good
times though, not every minute with each other is awful. When she lets
loose and gets goofy in the car or at home we really have fun joking and
laughing together. Sometimes we will sing really loud and off tune in
the car, or we'll randomly stop to take pictures with each other. Also
we are making friends with people in the ward, and we always have fun
and get along when we are with them. Also, the other day we had been
having a REALLY bad day and people had been especially mean to us, so
when we got home I started cooking dinner, and Sister Villegas decided
to make a fort! Yes a fort. She rearranged the furniture and brought out
blankets and pillows. So we ate our dinner and watched "Legacy" in our
fort. :)
Last Preparation day a less active family (The Flippos) took us
and another set of sisters, out ice skating! It was SO much fun!!! I
actually was getting pretty good at it by the time we left. But I did
fall... a lot. I also took Sister Villegas down with me one time, that
was pretty funny :). And since it was a Monday, we were the only ones
there besides one other guy. Even though it was really fun I have been
paying for it since then. I pulled a muscle or something in my shoulder
trying to catch myself one of the times I feel. I bruised my
tailbone pretty good. And we thought I had broken my hand, because it
was bruised really and it hurt to move it. But I iced it and it feels
okay now so I guess it's fine :).
I've also decided that I'm going a bit more crazy each day. This
whole last week I've gone crazy every time I've seen a dog. I'll sit
there and pet them at dinner appointments and hold them in my lap during
member lessons. Heck I even pet a random dog that came running up to us
when we got out of the car. I miss having pets. One of the members here
really likes dogs, especially Labradors, so we spent a good 15 minutes
talking dog talk and I loved it! :)
The people that we get to work with and teach are really
starting to love and trust us more. They all want to spend our P-days
with us and have fun with us. There is one in particular who has decided
to "adopt" me. Her name is Renaye, and she is crazy! She is a recent
convert and is a super crazy black lady :). She has renamed me "Jan"
off of the Brady Bunch. And she cooks us food every time we go to her
house, she also makes us these little bead friendship bracelets. They
also get after us if we don't wear gloves, a hat, a coat and a scarf
everywhere we go. So we keep those in the car at all times to put on
right before any lesson with her. We had told her a story the other day
about some people who had been incredibly rude to us. She was very upset
that anyone would be mean to us, so she made us come to her house, and
she cooked us lunch and cried about how we were just so nice that no one
should ever be mean to us. She's awesome :).
There are also people here that are not nice to us at all. We
went to the house of a family that hadn't been to church in a while, and
when they answered the door they blew up at us big time! They started
yelling at us and told us they hate the Mormons and if we were Mormon
they wanted us to leave. The husband was screaming at us and I thought
for sure that he would come out of the house, I was really scared. But
Sister Villegas kept trying to talk to them and told them that we could
help them get their records removed, but they wouldn't listen, so
finally we left. It sucks how many people there are like that here.
Friday we didn't get to do much of anything. We had a zone
conference where we all got in trouble for the way we use planners, so
they tried to teach us the proper way to do it. We were also informed
that a new rule in the mission is that we can no longer use a pen with
certain things. The rules here are weird. But when the meeting was over
we went out to lunch, and that was a bad idea. I either got food
poisoning or a 24 hour stomach bug thing, because we barely made it home
in time for me to through up. So we ended up spending the rest of the
day in the apartment, and that sucks because the things I would normally
do at home, like watch movies, I can't do out here. But by the next day
I was feeling better, so we were able to go back to work.
We have this cool Sister Training Conference thing coming up on
Tuesday. I have no idea what it is for or what we will be doing, but
it's different from what we normally do so I'm excited for it. We also
have to host some Sisters from North Carolina, but it will only be for a
day and night.
Well I'm out of time, I wish I could tell you more... maybe next
time. I love you all and hope everything is going good at home and that
you have a really fun Valentines day!
Sister (Amanda) MacKay