My Family!!!
I thought I was going to go crazy! I can't believe I've had to wait until Thursday to write to you!! I hope you got the e-mails and texts from some of the people here letting you know that I was still alive. The weather has been so weird and we had to stay inside for a couple of days. Then the library was closed until today, so I'm sorry it's taken me so long.
And by the way, having to stay inside when you're a missionary SUCKS! I thought it would be so much fun to have a day off and just chill inside with my companion. But we don't have anything to do. We own two movies so we watched those. We deep cleaned our apartment, we cooked, and painted our nails... And that took all of 4 hours. So we just slept a lot and played skip-bo over and over and over and over again. We kept asking members if they owned Ephraim's Rescue so we could have something new to watch, But no one owns it!
We did find 2 new investigators at the end of last week though :). One is Quamain, he is a college student and totally loved the lesson about the Restoration, he LOVES the idea od modern day prophets. I'm looking forward to when we get to teach him again. We are also starting to teach his grandma, Joanna, she loves the idea of more scripture then the bible and wants us to teach her twice a week even though we are only supposed to teach each person once a week, so she has decided that she wants to sit on for our lessons with Quamain and still have lessons of her own.
We got quite a bit of snow this week. We got about 8 inches, which really isn't that bad. Except for every one in Virginia goes into panic mode when they hear a storm is coming. So when we got to go grocery shopping on Monday it was packed! They were almost sold out of milk and eggs and all kinds of stuff. Later though I understood why everyone freaks out... Virginia doesn't have plows or anything to clear the roads. So the roads are super bad and no one can get out of their drive ways. And if I thought my companion's driving was scary on a normal day adding snow makes it far more intimidating. And Virginia has ditches EVERYWHERE so whenever we would slide, even a little bit, we were freaking out. We got stuck twice and had almost all of our appointments cancel on us this week, so it's been hard to find ways to be productive when you can't drive to a lot of places. So we have been doing a lot of walking.
I also have a sad story. There is a man in our ward, Brother Davenport, and he is SUPER funny. Everybody loves this guy. Well last night the elders were over at the Davenport's house having dinner, and they were all laughing and having a good time, then suddenly Brother Davenport just dropped dead. He hadn't showed any sign that anything was wrong... he just died. I feel so bad for the elders, but it's a good thing that they were there to support Sister Davenport. So in a couple of days Sister Villegas and I will be attending his funeral.
I do have a funny story though :). There is a lady that Sister Villegas and I visit pretty often, and when we drive to her house we usual pull in to a Baptist church parking lot as a short cut to the visitor's parking at her apartment. Well a couple weeks ago we had pulled in and there were a bunch of people in the parking lot and we were wondering what was going on. Well when we pulled around to the back of the building... there was a hearse getting ready to pull out!!! We couldn't just flip a quick U-turn and get out of the way because there were cars parked back there and the road was too narrow. So I had to jump out and help her do a three point back up (or what ever you call it) and people were yelling at me and telling us to get out of the way and have some respect for the dead... it was awful. Now here comes the even funnier part. Yesterday we went to see this lady again (her name is Sharron) and we decided that we would pull through the Baptist parking lot again. As we were pulling in I made a joke about how "we might ruin another funeral again." And then as we pulled around to the back... THERE WAS ANOTHER FUNERAL GOING ON!! And we had to do the same thing, I had to get out to help her get out of the parking lot, and people were yelling at me again. And it was icey in the parking lot, so I looked behind me for just a second to try not to fall, and Sister Villegas hit me with the car! Not very hard, but she was in such a hurry to get out of there that she wasn't watching me very carefully. I'm okay though :) and we made it out of there alive :).
I love you all a bunch, and I will be writing to you again soon :). I hope that you all had a really good week and enjoyed Knox's baby blessing, I wish I could have been there with y'all.
Sister (Amanda) MacKay
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